
December 09, 2016

Process of Staffing - Recruiting Human Resources

December 09, 2016
The staffing function of management controls all recruitment and personnel needs of the organization. The main purpose of staffing is to hire right person for the right job. Staffing also involves training and development, performance appraisals, promotions and transfer.

Process of staffing

Process of Staffing

1.  Determination of needs:
The first step in staffing is to determine the need for personnel before the management makes decision to hire. It means finding out number and type of employees needed by the concern in near future. The type of employees means having desired qualification, experienced, skilled or unskilled or having specific age.

2. Selection and Recruitment:
After determination of needs, recruitment and selection take place. Recruitment is the process of inviting applications from prospective candidates for positions. Once the applications have been received, suitable candidates are selected after test, interview, medical examination and checking references and background to hire the right person for the right job.

3. Orientation and training:
Orientation is the process of introduction. Once the candidates are selected, they must be given introduction about departments, the activities, policies, rules and regulations of an organization.  While training is the process of providing knowledge and skills in order to perform the given job efficiently. Training increases one’s capability. By providing training the organization can improve its quality of product or services.

4. Performance appraisal:
After taking training and performance of job, the employee’s performance is evaluated. This enables manager to provide feedback to employee whether he is performing satisfactorily or not. If the results are favorable then he is rewarded. If the results are unfavorable, then he is provided training again.

5.  Compensation:
Compensation is the price or reward for the services employees performed. They must be compensated fairly on the basis of performance. Compensation motivates workers to perform well. It involves wages, salary, bonuses, allowances and others benefits such as medical facility, insurance etc.

6. Promotion:
Promotion means transferring of an employee to a high post and responsibility with more pay. Generally, employees are promoted on the basis of their performance. The management prefers to promote employees within the organization instead of hiring from outside.

7. Separation:
Staffing process comes to an end at separation. Separation means leaving job by employee from organization. This may take place in the form of resignation, retirement, discharge, lay off, and death.


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