
June 30, 2017

What are My Strengths & Weaknesses?

June 30, 2017
It’s a natural thing human beings are not perfect. They have their own strengths and as well weaknesses. Finding your personal strengths and weaknesses can help you to choose right career and make good decisions. It will also help you to raise your self-awareness and give you clarity. In this article we will discuss the common strengths and weaknesses that we may possess. A strengths and weaknesses analysis can also be called a personal SWOT analysis.

My strengths and weaknesses

What are My Strengths?

What is naturally easy for you or what you are good at is your strength. It is also the mixture of talent, knowledge and skills. If you are not aware of your personal strengths, you will not be able to utilize them fully as you could. Following is the list of people’s common strengths. You can identify your own. Perhaps a hiring manager will ask you in a future job interview.

Adventurous: A person willing to try new or difficult things or take risks.

Action-oriented: A person willing to take practical action to deal with a problem or situation.

Adaptable: Ability to rapidly adjust oneself with new situations.

Athlete: A person having physical strength and very good at sport.

Confident: A person who believes himself.

Courageous:  The ability to do something difficult without fear.

Creative:  The ability to do something new or produce new ideas.

Compassionate: A person who understands the feelings and problems of others.

Determined:  Having a strong feeling to do something.

Decisive: Ability to make decisions quickly.

Diplomatic: Building and maintaining good relationship with others.

Enthusiastic: Taking active interest in something or showing strong excitement about something.

Efficient: A person having ability to perform quickly with the least effort.   

Energetic/Dynamic:  A person having a lot of energy.

Focused: When you are focused on something, you are paying attention to it.

Good Communicator: Having good communication skills such as listening and speaking.

Helping:  To make it easier for someone to do something. 

Intelligent: Having ability to learn and understand things easily.

Independent: Someone who does not rely on others for assistance.

Initiative: The art of taking first step to achieve something or to solve a problem.

Laborious:  Ability to do difficult task successfully.

Learner:  A person who gains knowledge through study, instruction or experience.

Optimistic: Being positive or hopeful about the future.

Opened-Minded: Willing to hear and consider new ideas and opinions. 

Patient:  A person bearing delays, problems or suffering without losing temper.

Punctual: A person doing everything on time.

Problem-Solving:  Ability to identify solution of a problem.

Prompt:  Ability to do something immediately.

Responsible: Caring for someone or something as part of one’s job.

Self-controlled: Having strong control over emotions, feelings and actions.

Steadfast:  Ability to do something consistently.

Team-oriented: Working collaboratively with a group of people.

Thoughtful: A person is thoughtful if he considers how his actions and words will affect other people’s feelings.

Trustworthy: Reliable and responsible person.

Visionary: A person having ideas about future.

Wisdom: The ability to use knowledge and experience to make good decisions.

Warm: Friendly and sincere.

What are My Weaknesses?

What is naturally difficult for you is your weakness. Identifying your personal weaknesses is equally important to identify your personal strengths.  It will help you to improve them and convert them into your strengths. It will also help you in a job interview. Given below is the list of people’s typical weaknesses. You can identify your own.

Aggressive: Behaving in a way that shows you are willing to fight,  attack or argue with someone.

Arrogant: Showing that you are more important than others.

Bossy: A person who enjoys giving orders to others and wants things his own way.

Chaotic: Presenting something disorderly.

Close-minded: A person who does not try to understand the ideas and opinions of others.

Complaining: To express feelings of dissatisfaction from someone or something.

Contemptuous: To express feelings of disliking for someone or something.

Cynical: A cynical is a person who believes that people only do things to serve their own needs.
Fearful: Afraid of someone or something.

Greedy: A person who wants something more and more than his needs, especially money.

Hesitant: Acting slowly or not sure about what to do.

Ignorant: A person who does not have enough knowledge about a particular thing.

Impatient: A person who does not tolerate delays.

Impulsive: Doing something suddenly without planning.

Indifferent: Not taking interest in someone or something.

Insensitive: A person who does not aware of other peoples’ feelings.

Intolerant: Not willing to accept opinions, beliefs, or behavior that differs from one’s own.

Irresponsible:  A person who does not consider possible consequences what he does.

Lazy: A person who avoids work or work slowly.

Lethargic: Being sleepy can make you lethargic.

Loose-tongued: Irresponsible in talking which cause embarrassment.

Mistrustful: A person who does not trust others.

Moody: A person who frequently changes his mood and become angry or unhappy.

Naive:  A person who is lack of experienced so that he expects things to be easy or people to be honest.

Obstructive: Deliberately making difficulties of others.

Pessimistic: A person who always expects the worse.

Passive: Allowing things to happen without taking any action.

Procrastinator:  A person who delays work which must be done on time.

Prejudiced: Unreasonable preference for someone or something over another.

Reckless: Doing something dangerous without worrying about the risks.

Rude: Speaking or behaving in an impolite way towards other people.

Selfish: A person who only thinks about his benefits and not about other people.

Shallow: A person who has no depth of character so that he judges people on their looks and how much money they have.

Shy: A person who feels nervous and uncomfortable with group of people.

Sloppy: Showing careless and laziness in work.

Slow: Unable to work promptly.

Strict: When you expect people to obey your rules.

Undisciplined: When someone behave in a disorganized way.

Vague: When someone does not express things clearly.

There are many other strengths and weaknesses of people.  If you have in your mind, do share in the comment section.  

You may success in your life if you use your strengths to the fullest extent. Similarly, you will face fewer problems if you identify your weaknesses. And if you manage these weaknesses, they will become your strengths.


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