
March 06, 2017

How To Become An Effective Interviewer?

March 06, 2017
An interview is formal meeting in which one person asks questions and the other person answers. A person who asks questions is known as interviewer and from whom the question is asked is known as interviewee. In other words, an interview is a conversation with a purpose. It includes all forms of communication as speaking, listening, and writing.

In this section we will be discussing the following.

1. Kinds of interview.

2. How to become an effective interviewer.

3. Pitfalls that an interviewer should avoid.

4. Interview evaluation.

How to become an effective interviewer

Kinds of Interview

1. Selection and placement: The purpose of this kind of interview is to hire the right person for the right job.

2. Vocational guidance interview: Its purpose is to help an individual find his best vocation.

3. Counseling interview: It is conducted to help those are emotionally disturbed and could not decide their own field of work.

4. Marketing interview: It is used marketing persons to find answer of their assignments and marketing problems.

5. Group interview: It is used to find the solution of the problem through assembling the persons at one place.

6. Diagnostic interview: This kind of interview is conducted by psychologists to patients.

How to become An Effective Interviewer

1. Let the candidate talk most of the time. If you talk more than 50 percent of the time, you would be interviewing yourself rather the applicant.

2. Try to understand the applicant and deal with him accordingly. It will help extract useful information from him.

3. Accept what the applicant says. Never show surprise and disapproval.

4. Give your entire attention to the interview and respond by using body language as facial expressions, nodding, smiling and friendly eyes.

5. Sit on the same side of the desk as the applicant and communicate in his language.

6. Do not interrupt the candidate. Allow pauses in the conversation which will encourage him to reveal some important information.

7. Make your question clear, distinct, direct, tactful and in easy language.

8. Respect the feelings and emotions of the candidate even though you consider him wrong.

9. Never argue with the candidate. It may discourage him.

10. Do not change topic abruptly.

Pitfalls/drawbacks that an interviewer should avoid

1. Personal bias of the interviewer – poor handshake, biting of the fingernails, gum chewing, loud clothes, poor eye contact.

2. Talking too much and listening less.

3. Poor preparation for interview.

4. Asking inappropriate questions.

5. Discourteous and rude attitude toward the applicant.

6. Jumping to conclusions before the usual time.

7. Accepting facts without finding their meaning and accuracy.

9. Depending on memory and not making notes to evaluate qualification of the candidate.

9. Asking another question when the applicant merely hesitates a moment.

10. Showing to be critical and cold toward the applicant.

Interview Evaluation

When you have finished the interview and drawn desired information from the candidate. You should form an overall opinion of what the candidate said during interview. There may positive and negative behavior of the candidate which is necessary to analyze.

Interview Evaluation-Positive and negative behavior


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