Motivation is derived from the
word motive which means needs, desires or wants within individuals. Motivation
is the process of stimulating people to accomplish desired goals. It can also
be defined to give a reason someone to do something. Workers are motivated in
the workplace to produce best result for business. A highly motivated person
will hard work toward achieving performance goals.
In this article we are discussing
the following motivation theories.
1. Humanistic theory (Abraham Maslow)
2. Two factor theory (Frederick Herzberg)
Humanistic Theory
Humanistic theory was proposed
by Abraham Maslow in his 1943 article “A Theory of Human of Motivation” in
Psychological Review. According to him, people are motivated by unsatisfied
needs. Maslow explains that individual strives to satisfy a higher need when
lower needs are satisfied. He describes the hierarchy of needs are as follows:
1. Physiological needs.
2. Safety and security needs.
3. Love and Belonging needs.
4. Self-Esteem needs.
5. Self-Actualization needs.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
1. Physiological Needs:
Human physiological needs are those
required for human survival, such as air, food, water, shelter, clothing, sleep.
If these needs are not satisfied, a
human body cannot function properly. They are considered to be the most
important needs because all other needs depend on the physiological needs being
met. So once the basic needs are satisfied, we may think about other needs.
2. Safety and Security Needs:
Once the physiological needs
are satisfied a human starts pursuing the higher level of needs which are
safety and security needs. Such needs may be fulfilled by living in a safe
environment, job security, financial security, health insurance, and freedom
from threats. If a person does not feel secure, first he will strive to find
safety before he attempts to satisfy any higher level of needs.
3. Love and Belonging Needs:
Having satisfied basic and
security needs the need for love and affection become important. Human nature is
full of love. He has love for his children, brothers, sisters and parents. He
wants to belong to others and make friends. He likes to give and receive love
from others. But the lower needs must be met before an individual begins to
pursue the need to belong.
4. Self-Esteem Needs:
After satisfaction of social
needs a human strives to fulfill esteem needs. This kind of needs can be
accomplished by self-respect, respect from others, achievement, recognition,
high status and self-confidence. Status may be gained through a position within
an organization. When a person has status, he is widely recognized. But this
level of need is harder to satisfy.
5. Self-Actualization Needs:
Self-actualization is the top
of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Self-actualization takes place when a person
realizes his full potential. Maslow defines that it is the desire to become
what one is capable of becoming. When people are able to achieve
self-actualization, they tend to be motivated by increased opportunities to
satisfy that need.
Two Factor Theory
The two factor theory was
developed by Frederick Herzberg in 1950s based on the concept of employee
satisfaction. Herzberg was a professor of Psychologist at Case Western Reserve
University in USA. He conducted a series of experiments in motivation with two
hundred engineers and accountants. He asked these employees to describe
positive and negative feelings about their work. By resulting data, he
concluded two important factors in every job:
1. Maintenance Factors.
2. Motivational Factors.
1. Maintenance Factors:
The maintenance factors can
lead to dissatisfaction of employees, if they are absent or inadequate. These
factors can avoid dissatisfaction of employees but do not significantly
motivate them. Herzberg discovered maintenance factors in the workplace are:
1. Company policy and
2. Technical supervision.
3. Relationship with
4. Relationship with peers.
5. Relationship with
6. Salary.
7. Job security.
8. Personal life.
9. Work conditions.
10. Status.
2. Motivational Factors:
The motivational factors lead
to satisfaction and motivation of employees for better performance. These
factors do not lead to dissatisfaction, if they are not present. According to
Herzberg study, the motivational factors in the workplace are:
1. Achievement.
2. Recognition.
3. Advancement.
4. The work itself.
5. Possibility of promotion.
6. Responsibility.
Theory X and Theory Y
McGregor was an American management
scientist. He proposed two contrasting motivation theories as theory x and
theory y in 1960 in his book “The Human Side of Enterprise”. These theories are
Theory x:
Theory x assumes autocratic management. Managers under theory x believe that most people are naturally lazy
and require close control and supervision. Theory x managers are extremely
task-oriented. They centralize power and authority.
Theory x has the following assumptions.
1. An average person dislikes
work and attempts to avoid it whenever possible.
2. Most people have to be
forced with the threat of punishment to get work done.
3. An average person avoids
responsibility and prefers to be directed.
Theory y:
Theory y assumes democratic management. Managers under theory y believe that most people like to work and
do not need to be forced and controlled. They do not believe in centralization
of power and authority.
Theory y has the following assumptions.
Theory y has the following assumptions.
1. The physical and mental effort
of work is as natural to humans as play and rest. Therefore, an average person
does not dislike work.
2. Coercion is not required to
get work done. Workers exercise self-direction and control to achieve
organizational objectives.
3. Rewards and job
satisfaction will result workers’ loyalty and commitment to organization.
4. An average person can learn
to accept and even seeks responsibility and do not need much direction.
5. Most people are creative
and innovative. These capabilities can be utilized to solve problems at work.
Both theories are opposite to
each other and represent extreme viewpoints. They are applied according
different situations. If employees dislike work, the manager will tend to adopt
autocratic style of management (Theory x). On the other hand, if employees like
to work, he will tend to adopt humanistic approach (Theory y).
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